ஞாயிறு, 2 அக்டோபர், 2011

Vijay TV Shameless Judges Push Satyaprakash but Saicharan Won

Vijay TV and the Super Singer 3 judging gang tried their best last night  to make Satyaprakash (wonder if he is a Malayalee) win the show but the public appears to have seen their game and voted to give Saicharan the crown, deservingly so.
The judges and the film gang that Vijay TV employs always conspire with the channel to give prominence to their preferred contestants, but the public have the say in the finals.
Still, the full battalion of judges and singers hired by Vijay TV tried to tilt the balance by giving Satyaprakash a standing ovation when he finished singing yesterday. That was totally unwarranted as any move that could influence voting in the finals can only be construed as fraud.
Unnikrishnan, Srinivas, Sujatha, Nithyashree and almost everyone associated with judging during the earlier phases were among the shameless culprits toeing the line of Vijay TV.  The only time they showed some shame and looked embarrassed was when the contestants of their choice finished at the bottom and the two they eliminated took the first two slots.
This is not the first time that something like this has been enacted on Vijay TV. I remember it happened during the last Super Singer Junior event when the judging gang gave a standing ovation to Alka. But that time Alka was voted to the top.
Satyaprakash is a good singer although he has a limited repertoire and often sounds fake and laboured, singing from the tip of the tongue. But, to me, Saicharan and Santhosh (as well as Srinivas and Koushik) are better singers.

Play to your Strengths, Not Fix Your Weaknesses: Pooja, Dhanyashree and Malavika came into the show as good singers but at the end of it all it appeared to me they started to stray from their areas of expertise.
They did so to appease the judges who made it appear that being good at melody and classical singing was not good enough. Singing well became a sin on the show. So they ended up sacrificing their strengths and playing to the gallery. Vijay TV is doing a disservice to society with these programmes.
Commonsense dictates that you have to tap your strengths and build on them, not attempt to rectify your weaknesses. Ultimately, only your strengths make you succeed and differentiate yourself. This is gospel in the world of education, employment and art. Trying to be a jack of all trades will ensure you embrace mediocrity with no excellence in any one area.
Vijay TV is deviating from this simple fact of life in an attempt to boost its own popularity and fill its coffers with cash.
Foreign Mediocrity: Moreover, I have consistently been against bringing foreign mediocrity into the show. But Vijay TV did just that because it had strong interests overseas, trying to market their channel/shows among NRIs.  I am all for encouraging talent wherever it may be. But there has to be a distinction between talent and mediocrity.
If Vijay TV (and the other Tamil channels like Sun TV) want to encourage foreigners of Indian origin, let them do it the regular way and not bring them through the backdoor. Vijay TV did just that. While Indian participants had to go through intense screening competing with hundreds of thousands of top talent for a place in the show, it was just a breeze for foreigners. Getting them to compete with local talent was an insult to Indians.
Vijay TV yesterday even rewarded one of the foreigners on the show for no worthwhile reason.
Malayalee Domination: I cannot conclude this post without saying that by all indications, Vijay TV is doing all it can to promote Malayalees in their shows. I see a profusion of people from Kerala in all the shows on Vijay TV.
I don’t care who they are as long as they deliver but when people like Suchitra and Divya are imposed on the audience despite their lack of skills that deserve recognition it gets a little annoying. Too many non-Tamils in a Tamil show is something that needs to be sternly discouraged.

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