புதன், 22 ஜூன், 2016

ஜவஹர்லால் நேரு உண்மையாகவே யோகா விற்பன்னர் ... மோடியை போல போஸ் கொடுக்கலை...

Ahead of International Yoga Day, it seems the entire world has been swept up by the yoga craze.
As the world gears up for this one-of-a-kind event, where people across the world will contort their bodies into various postures, here’s a rare image of the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru practising the sirsasana (supported headstand).

This is what what the former PM wrote on the sirsasana. “Among my exercises one please me particularly -- the shiorshasana, standing on the head with the palms of the hands, fingers interlocked, supporting the back of the head, elbows on the floor, body vertical, upside down. I suppose physically this exercise is very good; I liked it even more for its psychological effects on me. The slightly comic position increased my good humour and made me a little more tolerant of life’s vagaries.”

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