வியாழன், 8 டிசம்பர், 2022

New menace to lanka Ceylonese party with indian interests by J R. Jayavardana 2 may 1947 UNP party paper.. flashback

New menace to lanka Ceylonese party with indian interests by J R. Jayavardana!
The news that Dr.Colvin R de Silva and Mr.S.C.C.Anthonipillai  were arrested in India for participating in strike of  labourers of one of the largest textile mills in south India is an event of passing more than interest.
i do not think  we need to go in to the merits of the strike. For though it is notorious that indian workers are very poorly paid  in comparison with the wages paid in Ceylon. We have not the information nor the power to interfere in a matter coming with in the province of Madras Government
What concern us is the strike, ostensibly under the leadership of the Madras labour party, Is control by the Bolshvic Leninist Party of India.
Four of Whose leaders in India are Ceylonese. Namely Dr.Colvin R.De Silva , Mr.Leslly Gunavardana, Mr. S.C.C.Anthonipillai and Mrs. Carolin Anthonipillai

This then is an Indian political party   
It work lies mainly with Indian workers. To establish itself it must work for and put in the forefront the interest of Indian workers.
Their objects are no doubt  laudable. They follow in  the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru .Who have devoted their life to raising Indian masses ,including worker from poverty and misery.
Similar movements exists in other countries too.
In Ceylon we have the labour party and various socialists parties which have worked  for several years to improve lot of the workers.
 It is however when the Bolshvik Leninist Party seeks to establish in Ceylon, too , and work in Ceylon through its ceylon unit that the workers of the ceylon as well as the millions who call this land their mother land should  begin to ponder on how the activities of this indian political party will affects the people of this country.
Though the slogan " Workers of the World unit: painted in red at the party meetings of this party no country in the world has yet adapted such a slogan in their national policy .
for the interest of the workers in different countries conflict not only culturally but economically .

the wages of  indian workers  is far below the wages of ceylon workers
and if the slogan put in to the effect and indian workers invited to ceylon, not one only ceylonese workers  will be able to compete with them .
if then the Bolshvick leninist party of India true to the workers of India they must sacrifice workers of Lanka
It was this that prompted Dr.Colvin R de Silva to say an Indian paper ,
He and his party welcome the unrestricted immigration of Indians in to Ceylon and once they were come here he was prepaid to give them full citizenship rights.
Place in the balance the 400 000 000 of india and the 6 500 000 in Ceylon and you will realise what the fate of the Ceylonese will be,
if the badly paid and ill nourished and poverty stricken worker of india, neglected for centuries, is allowed to compete with our own kith and kin here.
I will give an example . The other day a fort firm advertised for three shorthand typist.
Since the wages demanded by the Ceylonese applicant were too high . The firm imported three typists  from Madras at much lower rate of pay.
Another example : Several publishers of  books sent their printing to be executed in india. Since it is cheaper to print them there , than in Ceylon owing to be low wages paid in India.
If those indian  compositors and other printing trade workers are allowed to come over to Ceylon worker? A government teacher in India was paid Rs 15 per month .before the congress government took charge and now their wages have been doubled. A Ceylonese teacher of the same status is not less than Rs.100 per month, including the war allowance when he joins the government service .

A peon in travancore paid Rs 15. He must find balance money from tips. A peon in Ceylon is paid over Rs 75 including war allowance.
The workers of  Ceylon know as well as do what will happen to them if indian labours permitted to compete with them it mean not slow not partial.
quick and complete extinction.
The point i wish to stress is are we then. the people of ceylon.
going to permit an indian party to function in Ceylon, and by false promises of a new era for the workers, win their sympathies  and seat themselves in power?
Will Dr.Colvin R De Silva, if he becomes minister in Ceylon, be able to represent the workers in this country  in our talks with india on the position and status of Indian in Ceylon?
If as he says he is the leader of Bolshcick Leninist Party of Inida, Would he not be an appropriate person to be included in indian delegation, to speak on behalf of indian workers as against the Ceylon workers?
it is time we face the issue fairly and squarely, we who want to create a socialist lanka,
where the means of production distribution and exchange will be state owned: where the workers and peasants own the state not a few capitalists
where the manifold resources of this land are use for the common benefit of those who dwell here.

We must decide whether the  benefits  will contemplate will belong to ceylonese or vast hordes of india . it they are permitted to  come here without limit.
No free country in the world permit a political party functioning in another country with its head quarters in another country to carry on activities with in territories.
If Colvin R D Silva and friends  go to Russia , they will not be imprisoned, they will be shot by the representatives of that workers and peasants state and only socialist state in the world.
Russia England and America and other free countries have  their own    independent own socialist movements .
Can we a small country and small race, just emerging from slaver to freedom, can we afford to have leaders of a foreign political meddling in our affairs?
can we dare entrust to them the destines of the people of lanka?
if we do not quickly realise that this Bolshvick Leninist Party of India and its ceylon unit, Sama Samaja Party is a national menace.
Ir may be too late for us to take effective steps to safeguard ourselves from being submerge in the Indian sub continent.

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