திங்கள், 11 அக்டோபர், 2021

சிங்கள மக்களின் மரபணுக்கள் 69.86% +/- 0.61 தென்னிந்திய தமிழர்களிடம் பொருந்தி உள்ளது

செல்லபுரம் வள்ளியம்மை :  இலங்கை தமிழர்களின்மரபணுக்கள் (  ஜீன்கள்)  சிங்கள மக்களின் மரபணுகளோடு   55.20% +/- 9.47 வீதம் பொருந்தி உள்ளது  
இலங்கையில் உள்ள சிங்கள  மக்களின் மரபணுக்கள்  69.86% +/- 0.61 தென்னிந்திய தமிழர்களிடம் பொருந்தி உள்ளது
இலங்கையில் உள்ள தமிழர்களின் மரபணுக்கள்  16.63% +/- 8.73 தென்னிந்திய தமிழர்களோடு பொருந்தி உள்ளது
ஆச்சரியமான ஒரு விடயம்  இலங்கை தமிழர்களை விட சிங்கள மக்களின் மரபணுக்கள்   தமிழ்நாடு தமிழர்களோடு அதிக அளவில் பொருந்தி உள்ளது
மேலும் சிங்கள மக்களின் மரபணுக்கள்  25.41% +/- 0.51 வீதம் வங்காள மக்களோடு பொருந்தி உள்ளது
இலங்கையில் உள்ள சிங்கள மக்களும் தமிழ் மக்களும் 55%.மரபணுக்கள்  பொருந்தி உள்ளது

 The  Sinhalese had the greatest contribution from South Indian Tamils (69.86% +/- 0.61),
Sri Lankan Tamils to have a greater contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20% +/- 9.47)
While the Sri Lankan Tamil are closely related to the Sinhalese who are closely related to Indian
followed by Bengalis from the East India (25.41% +/- 0.51). With both the Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese in the island sharing a common gene pool of 55%.
They are farthest from the indigenous Veddahs.[1] This close relationship between the Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese makes sense, as the two populations have been close to each other historically, linguistically, and culturally for over 2000 years.

This is also supported by a genetic distance study, which showed low differences in genetic distance between Tamils and the Sinhalese. Tamils and the Sinhalese also share similar cultures in terms of kinship classification, cousin marriage, dress and housing
 Genetic affinities of Sri Lankan populations
G K Kshatriya  1
PMID: 854329":  Mythological and historical sketches of the Sri Lankan population indicate that it is heterogeneous and composed of diverse ethnic groups. Ancient chronicles of Sri Lanka relate the origin of the Sinhalese to the legend of Prince Vijaya, who arrived on the northwest coast of the island in 543 B.C. from northeast or northwest India. Further, because Sri Lanka occupies an important position on seaways, it has received a constant influx of people from various parts of the world (especially from the Middle East and Europe), including India. Taking into consideration mythological, historical, and linguistic records of Sri Lanka, I attempt to study the degree of gene diversity and genetic admixture among the population groups of Sri Lanka along with the populations of southern, northeastern, and northwestern India, the Middle East, and Europe. The genetic distance analysis was conducted using 43 alleles controlled by 15 codominant loci in 8 populations and 40 alleles controlled by 13 codominant loci in 11 populations. Both analyses give a similar picture, indicating that present-day Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka are closer to Indian Tamils and South Indian Muslims. They are farthest from Veddahs and quite distant from Gujaratis and Punjabis of northwest India and Bengalis of northeast India. Veddahs are distinct because they are confined to inhospitable dry zones and are hardly influenced by their neighbors.
The study of genetic admixture revealed that the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka have a higher contribution from the Tamils of southern India (69.86% +/- 0.61) compared with the Bengalis of northeast India (25.41% +/- 0.51), whereas the Tamils of Sri Lanka have received a higher contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20% +/- 9.47) compared with the Tamils of India (16.63% +/- 8.73). Thus it is apparent that the contribution of Prince Vijaya and his companions, coming from northwest India, to the present-day Sinhalese must have been erased by the long-standing contribution (over 2000 years) of the population groups of India, especially those from Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Similarly, the Tamils of Sri Lanka are closer to the Sinhalese because they were always in close proximity to each other historically, linguistically, and culturally.

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