திங்கள், 13 ஜூன், 2016

ஆர்லாண்டோ கொலைகாரனின் தந்தை ஆப்கான் அரசியல்வாதி ...

Seddique MateenOmar Mateen and familyGunman's father 'running for president of Afghanistan'
More information about the extraordinary background of Mateen's family.
Omar Mateen's father, Seddique Mateen, who has said he believes that gays should be "punished by God," poses with the Afghan flag in military fatigues in this image.
And in a video he posted online, Mateen Snr also declares his candidacy for president in Afghanistan.
Pictured: Killer Omar Mateen smiles in photo with ex-wife and child 
 Beaming for the camera with his wife and child, this could be the image of any cheerful family man.
But behind the smile, the people of Orlando discovered on Sunday, lurked the mind of a cold-hearted killer who gunned down dozens of gay and lesbian fellow Americans, reportedly after being enraged by the sight of two men kissing.
In this photo, killer Omar Mateen poses with one of his ex-wives, Noor Zahi Salman, and his son, whose face has been blurred to protect his identity. www.thetelegraph.uk

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