வெள்ளி, 22 ஜனவரி, 2016

தாஜிகிஸ்தான் :13,000 ஆண்களின் தாடி...போலீசார் வழித்தார்கள்...Police shaved 13,000 men..Tajikistan

தாஜிகிஸ்தான் நாட்டில் இஸ்லாமிய அடிப்படை வாதத்திற்கு எதிரான நடவடிக்கைகளை அந்த நாட்டு அரசு மேற்கொண்டு வருகிறது. ஆண்கள் தாடிவளர்ப்பது  பெண்கள் முகத்தை மூடிவது போன்று ஒரு தீவிரவாத வெளிப்பாடாகவே பார்க்கப்படும்  நிலையில் இந்த நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டிய தேவை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளதாக போலீசார் தெரிவித்தனர். இஸ்லாமியத் தீவிரவாதம் மற்றும் அந்நிய தாக்கங்களுக்கு எதிராக நடத்தப்பட்டுவரும் நாடளாவிய நடவடிக்கைகளின் ஒரு பகுதியாக இந்த நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்பட்டதாக அரசாங்கம் கூறுகிறது. பெண்களும், ஹிஜாப் எனப்படும் தலையங்கிகளை அணியக்கூடாது என்று கோரப்படுகிறார்கள். பல்கலைக்கழகங்களிலும் பள்ளிக்கூடங்களிலும் இந்த ஹிஜாப் அணிய ஏற்கனவே தடை இருக்கிறது.தாஜிகிஸ்தானில் ஒரே ஒரு பிரதேசத்தில் மட்டும், சுமார் 13,000 ஆண்களின் தாடிகளை தாங்கள் சமீபத்தில் மழித்துவிட்டதாக போலிஸார் கூறுகின்றனர்.ஏனைய பிரதேசங்களிலும் இந்த நடவடிக்கைகள் ஆரம்பித்து உள்ளதாக தெரியவருகிறது
Police in Khatlon say they have shaved the beards of nearly 13,000 men They called me a Salafist, a radical, a public enemy. And then two of them held my arms while another one shaved half of my beard."
Djovid Akramov says he was stopped by Tajik police outside his house, along with his seven-year-old son, last month - and taken to the police station in Dushanbe where he was forcibly shaved.

He became one of hundreds of thousands of men in Tajikistan arrested in recent years for wearing a beard.
Shaving beards is part of a government campaign targeting trends that are deemed "alien and inconsistent with Tajik culture".

Earlier this week, police in Tajikistan's Khatlon region said that they had shaved the beards of nearly 13,000 men as part of an "anti-radicalisation campaign".
The BBC spoke to nine other men who described similar experiences - being detained in the street and forcibly taken to the police department or a barber shop, where they were shaved.
The government campaign is explained by the need to fight radicalisation, amid fears that Central Asia might follow the path of countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria towards extremism.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Women have been told to wear traditional Tajik colours - not black
Estimates suggest that between 1,500 and 4,000 Central Asians could have joined different Islamist militant groups in Syria, as of June 2015.
The move against beards is seen as part of a broader government campaign against the adoption of Islamic cultural practices in Tajik society, and to preserve secular traditions.
According to official data, 99% of the Tajik population are Muslim. However, atheism was officially encouraged during 70 years of Soviet rule.

'Don't wear black'

The campaign against Islamic practices also affects women. There is an official ban on wearing hijabs in schools and universities - but in practice it is enforced in all state institutions.
Police say that over the past year, they have closed about 160 shops where hijabs were being sold, and convinced 1,773 women to stop wearing hijabs.

Image caption Shaving beards is part of a government campaign against "alien culture"
President Emomali Rakhmon has also warned Tajiks: "Don't worship alien values, don't follow alien culture. Wear clothes of traditional colours and cut, not black."
"Even in mourning, Tajik women [should] wear white, not black," he said.
And the authorities have previously called on parents to give their children traditional Tajik names, rather than Arabic or foreign-sounding names.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Colourful headscarves are popular in Tajikistan
It is not clear whether these policies will have an impact on preventing radicalism.
Djovid Akramov says he will not forget the humiliation he felt while being forcefully shaved at the police station.
"The worst is the impunity of the policemen, who were enjoying the opportunity to bully people," he says.
It is this kind of conduct that can prompt people to become radicalised, he says.

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