திங்கள், 22 ஏப்ரல், 2013

5 வயது சிறுமிக்கு பெரும் கொடுமை! சித்திரவதை கொலை முயற்சி

 we found that there were some foreign objects like candle and a 200ml bottle of hair oil inside her body," Bansal said, adding they were not giving her food as she had infection in her stomach also.
டில்லியில் பாலியல் பலாத்காரத்திற்கு உள்ளாக்கப்பட்ட சிறுமி மிகவும் மோசமான சித்தரவதைக்கு உள்ளாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார் . அவரது உறுப்புக்குள் இருந்து சிறு போத்தல் மெழுகு திரி மற்றும் ஏதோ ஒரு வகை எண்ணெய் போன்றவையும் இருந்து படிப்படியாக நீக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது , மேலும் அவர் போஷாக்கு குறைந்தவராக சுமார் இருபது கிலோ எடை உள்ளாவராகவே உள்ளார் .
அந்த சிறுமி இறந்து விடுவார் என்றே தான் கருதியதாக குற்றவாளி மனோஜ்குமார் தெரிவித்ததில் இருந்து தெரியவருவதாவது இது ஒரு கொலை முயற்சி என்றே கருதவேண்டி உள்ளது
குற்றவாளிக்கு மரணதண்டனை விதிக்க வேண்டும் என்றே பலரும் கேட்கின்றனர்,
மேலும் இந்த கொடிய குற்றத்திற்கு வெறும் இரண்டாயிராம் ரூபாயோடு சமாளிக்க பார்த்த போலீசுக்கும் கடும் தண்டனை அளிக்கவேண்டும்
The horrific incident, which took place in east Delhi's Gandhi Nagar area, sparked protests during which assistant commissioner of police BS Ahlwat slapped a girl protester which left her with a bleeding ear.

The girl, who was missing for the past four days, was rescued from the ground floor of the building where her family was staying. The neighbour fled the spot.
Dr RK Bansal of Swami Dayanand hospital said the next 24 to 48 hours will be critical for the girl as there were injuries and bruises on her private parts, chest, lips and cheeks, adding it was one of the worst cases his team of doctors had attended to.
She had some bruises on her neck which indicated that the accused might have tried to strangle her.
"She was scared and not fully conscious. Initially she did not allow us to proceed with the examination as she was in tremendous pain. She had fever also and after giving medicines, it became normal. However, the fever recurred and we found she had some infection.
"After giving anaesthesia, more tests were conducted and we found that there were some foreign objects like candle and a 200ml bottle of hair oil inside her body," Bansal said, adding they were not giving her food as she had infection in her stomach also.
The victim's family claimed that policemen tried to bribe them with Rs 2,000 to hush up the case, prompting Delhi Police to order a vigilance inquiry to probe into the allegations.
"We have ordered a vigilance inquiry. The accused has been identified and a team is already on its way to arrest him," Delhi Police commissioner Neeraj Kumar told .
The minor's family claimed that the police was "insensitive" by not registering a case in time and that some policemen told them that they should be happy that the girl was alive, allegations which were denied by the force.
"Yesterday night a policeman came and asked me to come out. He told me nothing will happen by involving public. He told me that you should take care of the child and be with her. Public would not help you and he also handed me Rs 2,000 and left. He said I should cover my pocket expenses from this money," the victim's father alleged.
He also claimed that police refused to lodge a case when he went to the police station to lodge an FIR. "If they had made a better attempt, they would have found her. Police told me to be happy that she was alive," he alleged.

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