புதன், 31 ஆகஸ்ட், 2011

Adele Balasingham deserts LTTE Massive funds go missing ?

(Colombo Lankapuvath) Adele, who introduced the cyanide capsule to LTTE child soldiers, also the wife of late LTTE Theoretician,Anton Balasingham has deserted the LTTE and is yet to massive funds of the LTTE that were lying to the credit of her husband in banks (joint accounts with her) in several banks in the West,reports from London said.
Millions of US dollars collected as ransom and LTTE businesses in Canada, Germany, London,Switzerland and Sweden have been diverted to the accounts of Balasinghams in those countries on the orders of Prabakaran when the latter was alive.

Reports said after the death of Balsingham, Adele purchased a mansion in the outskirts of London at a cost of Pound Sterling 500,000.According to these reports a large portion of funds have been diverted to her native country, Australia, where she earlier worked as a Nurse in an adjacent township of Melbourne.

Details unfolded in an overseas LTTE network claimed that a separate joint account had been in existence for many years in London for Adele and Anton to cover medical expenses of Anton who suffered from an acute kidney ailment, to which he succumbed on December 14, 2006 in London.

Adele is reported have distanced herself from the LTTE commencing 2008 and had cut off links with the overseas 'financial network', the reports added.

The LTTE hired the prestigious Alexandra Hall in London to keep the remains of Balasingham and it cost Pound Sterling 40,000 for just seven hours.Another account had been opened at a London bank for funeral donations from the Tamil diaspora to be credited for funeral expenses. This account, according to reports had collected well over one million dollars.

Reports added that Adele Balasingham had totally cut off contacts with the overseas LTTE diaspora after the death of LTTE leader,Prabakaran

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