வெள்ளி, 17 ஜூன், 2011

Diamonds, Cash found in Satya Sai Baba’s room

PUTTAPARTHI: Nearly two-and-a-half months after his death, the personal chamber of Satya Sai Baba was unlocked in the presence of members of the Satya Sai Central Trust in Puttaparthi on Thursday.
It reportedly revealed heaps of cash and precious stones. Neither the press not government officials were allowed in.
The trustees, Justice P.N. Bhagwati, Mr R.J. Ratnakar, Mr S.V. Giri, Mr V. Srinivasan and the Baba’s personal assistant, Mr Satyajith, gathered at the Yajur Mandir which has been locked since Baba was hospitalised on March 28.
Half-an-hour later, the State Bank of India manager, Mr Shashi Kumar, arrived and handed over the keys of the chamber to Mr Giri.
They offered prayers before opening the Yajur Mandir and sought Mr Satyajith’s assistance to identify the many valuable items found in the chamber.
15 students count Sai Baba wealth
The trustees who are counting Satya Sai Baba’s treasure reportedly videographed huge heaps of cash, gold and diamonds that were piled up in the chamber.
It is learnt that 15 students of the Satya Sai Educational Institute were drafted in to count the treasure trove, together with bank personnel who arrived with currency counting machines.
There were demands from the public and from several political parties that government officials should be present when the chamber was opened, but the trustees did not agree.
The media and police were confined to a compound and prohibited entry into the Yajur Mandir.
Trust member Mr Ratnakar said that details of the cash and ornaments would be disclosed to the public on Friday.
The bank staff whisked away the cash and valuables to safe deposit lockers in the evening.
SG Andhra 17/06/2011 - 08:59am
Then why the system is not transparent. Why Satyajit is brought now into the picture, because he'll help the trust members to share things. If it is public money why are assets not revealed.
Everything is maya, isn't it?

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